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Why living one year in Istanbul?

You may wonder why I chose to live in Istanbul for a year...

So many friends asked me this question before I left. Everybody was worried, especially after those terrible events of summer 2016. But don't worry, now all my family and friends ask to come and visit me!

The reason why...

During my second year at IUT Paris Descartes, I had some specifics objectives for my third year of study:

- Study abroad

- Improve my English

- Explore an exotic country

- Discover a new culture

- Stay relatively close to France

- Live an amazing experience for a year

- Choose an original destination to differentiate myself from other students

- Have something special to tell after this experience

- Enjoy some good weather...

When I saw ISTANBUL on the list of destinations it stirred my curiosity...I didn't know anything about this city. I googled it and it became evident it was the perfect destination! Through my research, I discovered that Istanbul is full of history and rich in culture. But I also learned about the political imbalance. However, I didn't want to reduce Istanbul to stereotypes involving terrorism. I was sure that everyone was wrong about Turkey’s reputation. My objective was to go there with my camera, and share a different perspective of life in Istanbul.

Moreover, nowadays it is sad to say it, however terrorism is everywhere and we have to live with it. Also, as a Parisian girl I lived with the attacks of winter 2016, I wouldn't like an international student to become afraid of Paris as a result of that.

That's why I decided to begin this amazing adventure in Istanbul without fear!

- Little mosque in Balat -

- Galata Tower -


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